The High Cost of Bad Landlord Practices

March 21, 2025 (1mo ago)

When landlords fail to protect deposits or follow legal standards, it can have a devastating impact on tenants—especially those already struggling with rising living costs. What was meant to be a safety net can become a source of stress and financial hardship.

Some landlords, knowingly or not, disregard TDP requirements, withholding deposits for questionable reasons or delaying repayments indefinitely. This forces tenants into a lengthy dispute process which many feel too overwhelmed to pursue. Consequently, tenants who are short on time or money may end up losing funds they desperately need.

In today's climate, with inflation and rent hikes hitting households hard, regulatory bodies must take a tough stance on landlord compliance. Strengthening enforcement of TDP schemes is the first line of defense for vulnerable renters who can't afford costly legal battles. Raising awareness of tenant rights is equally vital, empowering people to stand up for themselves and insist on proper deposit protection.